The Student Honor System was long considered the foundation of USNA. The real issue - is it possible for anybody who has graduated from the Academy with access to the documentation be this stupid.


Honor Code

A full copy of the USNA Honor Code, (PDF file) signed by Commandant of Midshipmen Capt. Sheldon Kinney several months before my summary dismissal, is available in PDF format. Immediately after signing the most recent copy of the honor code, Capt Kinney apparently took action to circumvent the very rules that he had just promulgated. You have to spend four years in the most by-the-book institution on the face of this earth to appreciate the significance of violating every rule on the books - and with an impeccable record keeping system.

I was falsely accused of committing an honor offense as a tactic to force a summary dismissal, thereby removing me as a witness to an honor offense for a gaggle of Navy Brats.

The Superintendent, Admiral Kauffman, preempted the normal rules and regulations to prevent an honor offense conviction and dismissal of the son of one of his classmates and his fellow Brats who had agreed to cover for him when he went AWOL.

The mafia shoots witnesses. The Navy, in true Beltway political fashion, just destroys your reputation as noted in the fraudulent performance evaluations supporting the summary dismissal.